custom motorcycles in michigan

Motorcycles for Sale

See us when you're shopping for you next bike. All of the motorcycles we offer for sale have been thouroughly checked and all necessary repairs have been made to assure you of a worthy motorcycle purchase. We also offer our motorcycles at a lower price than you will find most anywhere else. Our overhead is lower than other motorcycle dealers and this allows us to sell the same motorcycle that you might find elsewhere for hundreds less. If you're in the market for a customized motorcycle that you can get on and ride home on, you'll find it here. If you're searching for something special, tell us and if that bike becomes available, we'll let you know.

Think of us as your custom motorcycle headquarters when it's time for your next ride!

31532 Ford Road  Garden City, Michigan 48135  734-762- 2077  |  Monday 10-7  Tuesday-Friday 10-6  Saturday 10-2